North Atlanta Cricket Academy - About Us
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About Us

North Atlanta Cricket Academy (NACA) is a professional youth cricket academy in Atlanta, pioneered on an advent of new decade to continue raising bar of youth cricket in Atlanta, Georgia USA.

Our Vision

1. Training and mentoring Youth Cricketers to achieve excellence.

2. Inculcating Discipline, Respect and Perseverance in youth using Cricket as medium.

3. Commitment to provide Youth cricketers with quaity cricket, seamless platform and oppurtunity to succeed.

4. Developing an attitude in players to improve on every oppurtunity with this amazing game, learn to play hard with absolute commitment for the team.

Our Coaching Methodology

1. Mentoring Players to work towards being disciplined and working hard to excel in this sporting skill.

2. Culture of merit with providing equal oppurtunity to all the hard working and committed youth players.

3. Working hard with all the passionate youth cricketers with average/basic cricketing skills to take them to next level.

4. Our aim is to help players not only learn and excel in cricket, but also to undertand the importance of respecting the game, parents and coaches.